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Superintendent: Dr. Beth Teigen Phone: 804-598-5700 Fax: 804-598-5720 Website | Street address: 4290 Anderson Highway Pocahontas Landmark Center Powhatan, VA 23139 | Mailing address: 4290 Anderson Highway Pocahontas Landmark Center Powhatan, VA 23139 |
Superintendent | Dr. Beth Teigen | 804-598-5700 |
Director of Facilities | Mr. Robert Benway | 804-598-5700 |
Director of Student Services and Interventions | Ms. Katie Wojcicki | 804-598-5700 |
Director of Technology | Mr. Scott Mecca | 804-598-5700 |
Director of Human Resources | Ms. Terri Allison | 804-598-5700 |
Director of Special Education | Dr. Lynn Prince | 804-598-5700 |
Director of Transportation | Mr. Ron Henley | 804-598-5706 |
Assistant Director of Facilities | Mr. Thomas Sulzer | 804-598-5700 |
Division Director of Testing | Ms. Donna Horne | 804-598-5700 |
Chief Academic Officer | Dr. Angela Stewart | 804-598-5700 |
Chief Financial Officer | Ms. Debbie Halloway | 804-598-5700 |
Career and Workforce Development | Ms. Kathryn Garrett | 804-598-5700 |
Instructional Specialist - English | Ms. Tracey Ingle | 804-598-5730 |
Instructional Specialist - Mathematics | Ms. Cathy Blair | 804-598-5730 |
Instructional Specialist - Science/STEM | Ms. Libbey J Kitten | 804-598-5730 |
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent / School Board Clerk | Ms. Shelia Eggleston | 804-598-5700 |
Discipline Hearing Officer (DHO) | Mr. Robert Talley | 804-395-5700 |
Communication Liaison | Ms. Laura McFarland | 804-598-5700 |
Instructional Specialist - History | Ms. Toni Kilpatrick | 804-598-5700 |
Food Services Compliance Supervisor | Ms. Sada Hill | 804-598-5700 |