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Superintendent: Dr. Peter Noonan Phone: 703-248-5601 Fax: 703-248-5613 Website | Street address: 150 S Washington St, Suite 400 Falls Church, VA 22046-2921 | Mailing address: 150 S Washington St, Suite 400 Falls Church, VA 22046-2921 |
Superintendent | Dr. Peter Noonan | 703-248-5601 |
Director of Budget and Finance | Mrs. Mechelle Coppock | 703-248-5620 |
Director of Curriculum and Instruction | Julie Macrina | 703-248-5600 |
Director of Equity and Excellence | Jennifer Santiago | 703-248-5600 |
Director of Extended Daycare Program | Mrs. Katie Clinton | 703-248-5683 |
Secretary to the Superintendent | Mrs. Marty Gadell | 703-248-5601 |
HR Specialist | Devita Godette-Eason | 703-248-5614 |
Attorney | Mrs. Patricia Minson | 703-248-5602 |
Chief Academic Officer - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment | Mr. William Bates | 703-248-5604 |
Chief Operating Officer | Kristen Michael | 703-248-5600 |
Ed-Tech/CTE Coordinator | Mr. Steven Knight | 703-248-5532 |
PreK-12 Literacy Coordinator | Ann Baleto | 703-248-5600 |
Curriculum and Personnel Specialist | MonaLisa Curry | 703-248-5603 |
Data Information Specialist | Anith Muthalaly | 703-248-5612 |
Director of Human Resources | Amy Hall | 703-248-5615 |
HR Specialist | Emma Puschnik | 703-248-5609 |
HR Specialist | Molly Narburgh | 703-248-5607 |
Director of Communications | John Wesley Brett | 703-248-5680 |
Community Outreach Coordinator | Mrs. Marybeth Connelly | 703-248-5691 |
Director of Facilities and Security | Mr. Brian Fowler | 703-248-5684 |
Executive Director of Special Education and Special Services | Ms. Rebecca Sharp | 703-248-5630 |